Monday, December 27, 2010

Fall inLike not inLove


I have decided to start another blog just for giggles. Hopefully, I will consistently post on this blog everyday whereas my old blog went from every two days to once a week and then once a month. Even so, I managed to get about a thousand hits so I guess someone was actually reading my rambles. This also gives me a chance to play around with Photoshop and with coding. I finally got my rotating headers to work after busting my brain for a few hours! This means that whenever you refresh or click on the page banner/header, it will change into a different header. Lame excitement, I know!

Content-wise, this blog will be mostly composed of stuff I like: fashion, kdramas, kpop, celeb gossip, daily news, etc.

As for the blog name-in the moment it worked for me because I thought about all of the phases I go through (exhibit A-juice phases: apple juice to orange juice to peach juice to grape juice back to peach juice and now I'm over drinking the same juice for a month) and how I always say I love a lot of things. Love is overstated, love is fleeting and I really don't know what being inlove is so I figured it would better be inlike with things; to simply like things-my objects of affection. I hope that makes sense? Well, I'm stuck with the name now anyhow.

I hope you will "follow me" or at least use the "Reaction: Really Like Like Dislike" buttons, pretty puh-lease. It will actually give me a reason to stay committed and post on this daily if I know someone out there in the universe is reading this nonsense.

Yours truly,


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